Serenity Bliss

These recordings combine monaural and binaural beats with soothing waterfall sounds and 5:5 coherence breathing for an optimal meditative experience.

INSTRUCTIONS: Listen to these soundscapes at low volume. Binaural beats only work through headphones. Monaural beats, on the other hand, can be listened to via both speaker and headphones. Choose delta for deep meditation, theta for serene meditation, and alpha for mental relaxation. For coherence breathing, follow the breathing instructions in the videos. For meditation, close your eyes and focus on your breath or mantra.

Binaural delta (headphones required)

Binaural theta (headphones required)

Binaural alpha (headphones required)

Monaural delta (headphones optional)

Monaural theta (headphones optional)

Monaural alpha (headphones optional)

I wish you countless hours of deep blissful trance and relaxation!

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